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Tit Sex with a London Escort

Have you ever titty fucked a girl? It may interest some of you to learn that there is quite a big difference between a titty fuck and a titty wank. Both of the involve having your cock in between a nice pair of tits (well, in all fairness, they don’t have to be nice tits of course, that would depend on how lucky you are!) Imagine doing either of these things with one of our busty escort girls, and you just know that all of them have wonderful tits. Go ahead and take a look if you don’t believe us. Hell, you’ve probably already seen a number of them already.

Anyway, back to the point. A tit fuck and a tit wank, and just how different they are. You could probably work it out for yourself really. A tit fuck is when you are the one moving yourself in and out of those lovely boobs. Technically fucking them. You are giving those tits and good banging basically. And all the girl really has to do is lay there on her back and let you get on with it. Sometimes the really helpful girls will hold those boobs together for you so you can really get a good technique going. You will often find that these girls are often the ones with the biggest boobs. This is obviously because they have gotten themselves quite used to their former lovers wanting to bang those boobs! So you see, all you really need is a nice big pair of boobs, and a woman willing to let you do it to her.

A tit wank on the other hand is more about the girl with the big boobs doing all the work. Or as much work as is needed of course. If you get a particularly talented girl, and a particularly nice pauir of tits, it won’t take you very long before you cum all over those boobs (or rather in between them. If you have never experienced this before, it’s a really nice feeling having your woman do al the “heavy lifting” for you. The roles are technically reversed in this situation. You are the one laying on your back with your old chap standing to attention, whilst she wraps her boobs around it and moves them up and down. Very nice with a lot of oil all over the place. However, this can get a little tricky for the girl doing the wanking. Sometimes even the biggest tits can’t keep that cock in the right place, and if there is a surplus of oil all over the place, it’s even harder. However, for the guy, it feels pretty good when it slips out from between the boobs, and then she wraps them back around it again. One way of getting around this problem, if you want to help out the girl you are with, is to have her keep on her bra. You only really get maximum pleasure with this technique if the bra is a soft material, with no hard underwires that might hurt your cock. It even works with a nice, loose fitting top. And of course, you need to see as much of those boobs as possible, in order to maximise your visual stimulation too.

If you go online and search for “bra tit wanks” or something like that, you will get a good idea about how it works. However, if you are planning to date one of our London escort girls, we feel sure that they may have done that before at some point or other. They do have a lot of experience when it comes to the desires of the men they date. Not that you should take that the wrong way of course. When you book a girl from Angels of London, there are no guarantees that anything sexual will take place between you and the girl you have chosen. But we would also be quick to add that there is nothing ruling it out either. You just need to be on your best behaviour. As with all the sexual preferences that are listed on the girls’ profiles, this is all they are… preferences. If you are counting on something happening between the two of you, you are much better leaving things to happen of their own accord; organically, for want of a better word.

And of course if your ultimate fantasy is to cum all over the boobs or body of the escort girl that you are with, you may well be best booking from the COB escort gallery. It may also interest some of you to learn that we have a CIF escort gallery too, or COF (whichever way you like to abbreviate. For those of you that are unaware, these mean: cum in face, and cum on face. If you want to cum all over your lover’s face and her boobs, you may well need to drink plenty of water, and be sure you have enough of a load to go around! Not everyone can perform like a porn star, and you’ll get no prizes for managing it either. But again, we have news for you if you like girls who can perform like porn stars. There is a now a gallery at Angels of London, specifically dedicated to PSE escorts; meaning of course: porn star experience. We can’t possibly comment on how good any of these girls really are, or indeed what constitutes a PSE. You would have to ask the all about it when you meet.


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